Why continuous learning is critical in cybersecurity

In today's fast-paced technology environment, the world of cyber security is constantly evolving. The need for continuous learning is more important than ever to stay ahead of the latest threats and trends. This is particularly true in the realm of computer networking, which has seen significant changes over the years.

Computer networking has been around since the early days when machines were connected to each other through cables. One of my first-ever tasks as a junior IT engineer was to lay BNC cables to connect computers, and this evolved into terminating CAT3 cables which we all learned to loathe!

The development of local area networks (LANs) allowed computers to be connected together in a single building (or house so we could play Doom!), while wide area networks (WANs) allowed for connections across multiple locations. This led to the internet being born, linking computers and devices across the globe.

The internet transformed how we all work and live, but it has also brought with it many new challenges in cyber security. Over the years as workforces became more and more likely to need to work remotely the need for secure access solutions increased, particularly during the pandemic, which has forced many people to work from home. However, we all know that these solutions, such as Virtual Private Networks, need to be more secure and create a significant risk for businesses.

In recent years this trend has continued with significant shifts in networking. The move to cloud computing has changed how organizations think about networking, while remote has changed how we need to think about secure remote access. This new world of hybrid work, with employees working both in the office and remotely, has also presented new challenges for network security.

This helps to highlight the need for continuous learning. New technologies and threats are constantly emerging, and it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. This is particularly important when you think about securing remote access, as attackers are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in legacy VPN solutions. This leads people to adopt Secure Service Edge (SSE) platforms at increasing rates. This is the future of secure remote access, you better know a.ut it..

This means that empowering your IT and security team members and encouraging them to learn is becoming ever more important for companies. It is also worth noting that younger team members may have fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, and investing in their education and development can help ensure the long-term success of the organization. It can also play a critical role in employee job satisfaction and help reduce churn.

The SSE Forum is an example of how the thirst for knowledge is driving innovation in the world of cyber security. This forum brings together experts from across the industry to share knowledge and best practices about these exciting new technologies that are making up this new approach to secure remote access. By promoting continuous learning and collaboration, the SSE Forum is helping to ensure that organizations are better equipped to protect their valuable information.

In conclusion, continuous learning is critical in the world of cyber security, particularly when it comes to networking. The rise of the internet, the need for remote access, the move to hybrid working, and the ever-evolving threat landscape make it essential to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices. By empowering your IT and Security team members, motivating them to learn, adapting to the changing landscape, and collaborating with others in the industry, organizations can better protect their valuable information and ensure long-term success.

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